Contact Magazine


February 2025

You can find the latest edition of the Contact here.

Chairman's introduction to the meeting on 21st January 2025


January 2025

Chairman’s Introduction to Parish Council Meeting 21 Jan 25

You may have heard rumours or seen social media spreading inaccurate conjecture regarding the disqualification of two councillors, Nancy Rowson and Paul Rowson, in accordance with the Local Government Act 1972.

The Council was challenged by members of the public regarding the non-attendance of Councillors Nancy and Paul Rowson over a 6 month period. The council meetings during this period were rearranged, and on one occasion, apologies were received from the councillors. The Clerk rebuffed the challenge as the councillors’ non-attendance was largely outside of their control. Further escalation of the issue required the matter to be referred to the Monitoring Officer at Cumberland Council and subsequently we were referred to seek independent legal advice.

It has been confirmed that both councillors are disqualified. It is regrettable that the councillors were unable to attend meetings, but the law is inflexible and leaves no room for discretion. It has been confirmed that their seats are vacant but there is no reason why they cannot apply for co-option back onto the Council once the waiting period has expired.

I wish to make it very clear that this is not a matter that the Council or any of us has chosen to pursue not least because there are ongoing matters with the Monitoring Officer which the public would be best served by having the Rowsons as councillors so that matters can be concluded.

It is fair to comment that the unexpected and unwelcome developments have caused a period of significant turmoil for the Council which has caused important business to be deferred while we took steps to ensure that the council operates lawfully. The meeting of 30th December was cancelled as an inject from the Monitoring Officer’s team was received within an hour of the meeting and I was the only councillor who had seen it so it was unsafe for the meeting to proceed.

We now need to get on with that business, not least to agree our budget and precept for this year.

I remind you that public participation will consider only those matters which are on the agenda for decision and ask everyone to allow this meeting and fulsome agenda to proceed without interruption.

Winter Help


November 2024

Please see the linked document from Cumberland Council, for details of lots of help available this winter.

Footpath restrictions

Ennerdale Bridge


September 2024

Meeting Cancellation

Ennerdale Bridge


September 2024

The meeting originally scheduled for 17th September has been cancelled. Apologies for any inconvenience.

Planning Application

The Old Vicarage, Ennerdale Bridge


August 2023

Please follow the link for details of the application

New planning applications


August 2023

The feed for planning does not appear to be automatically updating on the website. This is possibly due to the new system being used by the LDNPA, but until it is resolved, we will post new applications in the news feed here.

Parking Charges at Bowness Knott

Bowness Knott Car Park


June 2023

Car Parking charges have been introduced at Bowness Knott Car Park. This link takes you to the page with the full details. For those of you that use the car park regularly, it may be of interest that they are introducing a membership scheme shortly which will be £25 per household per year.

Wild Ennerdale Meeting 30-03-23


June 2023

Please see attached document for notes from the meeting.

Transport Survey


May 2023

ACTion with Communities in Cumbria is working with the Lake District National Park Partnership (LDNPP) to ask a wide range of people about their views on transport in the Lake District and especially people's appetite for change.

We are starting from the perspective that change is necessary, due to - frustrations of visitors and locals, carrying capacity of the services, and the longer term impact on the environment that visitors – both local and wider come to see. But we recognise that change will be gradual due to resources and therefore needs a longer-term vision.

This research forms part of a wider research programme, the results of which will be used to inform LDNPP policy development on sustainable travel and transport.

Please access the survey here using this link

Chairman's Report


April 2023

The Chairman's annual report to the parish meeting.

Survey from Healthwatch Cumberland


April 2023

Please follow the link to a survey from Healthwatch Cumberland about public involvement in the planning of services - part of the Integrated Care Board's efforts around listening to and working with the community. It can be completed by community members in both Cumberland and Westmorland & Furness.

The survey is for residents as well as professionals in health, social care and the voluntary sector.

Election Candidates


April 2023

Please see the attached list of candidates for the elections on 4th May.

We Need You!


March 2023


Are you passionate about your community? Do you want to help make a long-lasting change? Do you have innovative ideas for the council? Do you have concerns about a specific issue and want to do something about it? If this is you, then we need you. We need people from all backgrounds and experiences who reflect their community to put themselves forward for election. Make a change and become a councillor.

Notice of Election


March 2023

Beaver Consultation Correspondence with Forestry England.


February 2023

The Council wrote to Forestry England regarding the proposed methods for the beaver consultation as agreed. This letter and their response letter are both attached.

Timber Haulage Correspondence with Forestry England


February 2023

The Council wrote to Forestry England with support from Copeland and Cumbria councillors, requesting a meeting to discuss the timber lorry operations within the valley. Attached are our request and their response to this letter:

Elections and photo identity.


February 2023
New UK Government requirements mean that people must show photo ID, when voting at a polling station, in the upcoming parish council elections on May 4.

Acceptable forms of identification are a passport, driving licence, Blue Badge, an identity card with a PASS mark, certain concessionary travel cards, a biometric immigration document, a defence identity card and a national identity card.

Those who don’t have photo ID, can apply for a free Voter Authority Certificate, by 5pm on April 25, at

If you require a Voter Authority Certificate and are unable to apply online call Copeland Council on 01946 598300 or email

Arthur Lamb


January 2023

It is with great sadness that the council hears of the passing of Cumbria County Councillor Arthur Lamb.

Arthur was a regular attendee at our parish council meetings and worked tirelessly to advise and represent the parish at county level.

Aged just 31, he passed peacefully in his sleep at home on Friday night, 20th January. Our thoughts are with his family and friends at this very sad time. He will be greatly missed by many people.

Councillor Vacancy


January 2023

Hedge Cutting


October 2022

Don't forget everybody, it's hedge cutting season again. Please make sure to cut yours back so that roads and footpaths are kept clear and safe.

Sustainable Transport


October 2022

There is an online presentation and discussion about sustainable transport in the lake District. Please see attached document for further details and joining instructions.

Frizington Surgery


September 2022       Online petition to save Frizington surgery                Please complete this questionnaire about Frizington surgery if you can.

Sustainable Warmth Grants


August 2022

Sustainable Warmth Cumbria - information about available grants.

Councillor Co-Option


August 2022

As no election has been called for, we are now inviting applications for co-option onto the council to fill the vacant seat. Please see the attached documents for more information or contact the clerk

Budgets, reserves & precept

We've been asked by a couple of people why there was a big jump in the precept this year and where the money has gone that the council had in reserves. I hope this will explain, but if you do still have any questions, please email me ( and I'll try to answer them.

The Local Government Act 1972 (Sec 151) states that "every local authority shall make arrangements for the proper administration of their financial affairs..." and the Local Government Act 2000 requires Full Council to approve the council's budget and council tax demand.

As part of the budget, Councils are also required to keep a general reserve for unexpected expenditure. This is advised as between 3 and 12 months of the planned expenditure, but as we are a smaller authority with no buildings to maintain, any unplanned expenditure is likely to be much smaller. As Responsible Financial Officer for the Council, I recommended that between 3 and 6 months would be adequate for our circumstances.

In April 2015, the Council held a reserve of just over £10,000. Annual budgets were set at around £8,000, so £10,000 was too high a reserve; it should have been between £2,000 and £4,000. At the same time, the Council was only requesting a precept of between £3,000 and £4,000, around half of the budget, and one of the lowest precepts in Copeland. Naturally, the deficeit between budget and precept had to come from somewhere, so this meant that the reserve was reduced over time. Our anticipated reserve at the end of March 2022 was around £2,500.

The Council was faced with the tough decision between keeping the inevitable precept increase to a minimum and providing minimal services, or accepting that the shortfall needed to be addressed and committing to actioning some of the improvements to the village that have been requested. In addition, as this is the Queen's Platinum Jubilee year, the Council wanted to ensure that funds were available to celebrate this as a community. Ultimately the Council decided that it was better to have the increase implemented in this financial year, so that people would be able to see the benefits almost immediately, rather than dragging the process out by making what would still be large increases, incrementally over a number of years, yet offering no visible return from it.

I hope that this answers your questions and while I appreciate that increases may not be popular, I hope that you can see that this has not been done lightly. Some items on the budget are a one-off, such as the Queen's Jubilee, and once purchased, planters and benches will only require mainenance, not replacement - for a number of years at least. Because of this, there may be a reduction in next year's precept, or we may find we have sufficient funds to be able to make bigger improvements. I hope you have already seen some of the changes as plans start to take shape. Don't forget to let us know if there is something that you would like to see happen and we'll see if we can help.