Parish Council Meeting
February 2023
Tuesday, 18:30
The Gather
The Gather
Parish Council Meeting
Additional Documents
4a) Draft minutes of meeting 27-09-22.pdf 4b) Draft minutes of EGM 18-10-22.pdf 4c) Draft minutes of meeting 10-11-22.pdf 4d) Draft minutes of EGM 24-11-22.pdf 4e) Draft minutes of meeting 17-01-23.pdf 9) LGFC.pdf 10) Hedge Cutting.pdf 11a) Emergency Plan - overview.pdf 11b) Emergency Plan Email.pdf 11c) Example Information Sheet.pdf 12) Stakeholder Delegates.pdf 13a) Adopt Standing Orders and others.pdf 13b) Draft Standing Orders.pdf 13c) Draft Freedom of Information Policy.pdf 13d) Daniel Young comments.pdf 13e) Current EKPC Standing Orders.pdf 13f) NALC Model Standing Orders Template.docx 14) Annual Parish Meeting.pdf 15a) Crag Farm House.pdf 15b) 1 Lane Foot.pdf 15c) Longmoor Head.pdf 16) Payments for approval.pdf 17) Draft Budget V2.xlsx