Annual Council Meeting
May 2022
Annual Council Meeting
Annual Council Meeting followed by ordinary business.
Additional Documents
1. Election of Chair.pdf 11 Police Crime Map.jpg 12. Planning Applications.pdf 14. Draft end of year finance.pdf 14. Draft may balance.pdf 15. Payments for approval.pdf 16.0 Nominations.pdf 16.1 LDNPA Nomination letter to clerks West 2022.doc 16.2 LDNPA Nomination Form 2022 West Distinctive Area.doc 16.3 LDNPA Guidance West 2022.doc 16.4 Appendix to LDNPA Guidance Notes.doc 16.5 Timetable.docx 17. To appoint an internal auditor.pdf 18. Email addresses.pdf 19. Plant Health 2.pdf 19. Plant Health Guidance.pdf 19. Plant health notice letter.pdf 2. Election of Vice Chair.pdf 20. Timber removal letter.pdf 4. DOI - Amendments form.pdf 4. DOI Review.pdf 5. Draft Minutes of AGM 5 May 2021 Annual Parish Council Meeting.pdf 6. DRAFT Minutes of Meeting 15 March 22.pdf 6. Requested amendments.pdf 8. Items to be considered for Review.pdf