Parish Council Meeting
July 2023
Tuesday, 18:30
The Gather
The Gather
Parish Council Meeting
Additional Documents
4. Draft Minutes of Annual Council Meeting 16-05-23.pdf 9. Example Complaints Committee TOR.pdf 12. Example Staffing Committee TOR.pdf 15. Example similar to Village Enhancement TOR.pdf 17. Example Scheme of delegation to clerk.pdf 18. Draft Standing Orders.pdf 19. Draft Financial Regulations.pdf 21. Draft Freedom of Information Policy.pdf 22. Complaints Procedure Jan 23.pdf 23. Press and Social Media Policy 2022.pdf 24. 2022-08-Dignity-at-Work-Final(1).docx 25. Internal Auditor's report.jpg 26. Annual Governance Statements.pdf 27. Accounting Statements.jpg 28. Hedge Cutting.pdf 31. Grant Applications.pdf 31.1 LGFC Application.pdf 32. Payments for Approval.pdf 33. CALC Meeting.pdf 35. Planning Application.pdf 36.1 Application Form (redacted).pdf 36.2 Application Plan.pdf 36.3 copy original application.pdf 36.4 email corresp CRA to Park 17 03 23 redacted.pdf 36.5 legal map extract.docx 37. Fencing of Longmoor Common.pdf