Parish Council Meeting
March 2022
Tuesday, 18:30
The Gather
The Gather
Full Parish Council Meeting
Parish Council Meeting
Additional Documents
3. DRAFT Minutes of Meeting 18 January 22.pdf 10. Area Crime Map.png 11. Press and Social Media Policy.pdf 12 A) Lizza Brow.pdf 12 B) Dippers Beck.pdf 12 C) Land adjacent to Greenthwaite.pdf 12. Planning.pdf 13. Parish Meeting.pdf 14. Paediatric Pads.pdf 17. Pay Agreement 2021 2022.pdf 18. Proposal 17 - Ennerdale School AM00.pdf 18. Proposal 17- Ennerdale School.pdf 18. Proposal 18 - The Gather, Ennerdale AM00.pdf 18. Proposal 18- The Gather, Ennerdale.pdf 18. Proposal 19 - Shepherds Arms - AM00.pdf 18. Proposal 19- Shepherds Arms.pdf 7. Bank reconciliation.pdf 8. Payments for approval.pdf 9. Budget Report.pdf 9b. Budget Variances.pdf 19. Benches.pdf 19. Map.pdf 19. Planters.pdf 19. Planting quote.pdf 21. Village works required.pdf 6. Clerk's Updates.pdf