Parish Council Meeting
March 2024
Tuesday, 18:30
The Gather
The Gather
Parish Council Meeting
Additional Documents
3. Minutes of Meeting 16-01-24.docx 10a. Land Adj Greenthwaite.pdf 10b. Longmoor Fencing.pdf 10c. High Merebeck.pdf 10e. Croft Foot Cottage.pdf 11. Draft biodiversity policy.pdf 13. Complaints Procedure.docx 15. AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM - Meeting of 2024-03-19 - Copeland Local Plan.docx 15b. Page 14 Schedule of modifications Copeland Local Plan consultation 'defined settlements'.png 17. AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM - Meeting of 2024-03-19 - Community Led Plan.docx 17b. ennerdale-and-kinniside-communityledplan-2018-2023.pdf 17c. CLP introduction (1).docx 18 Asset Review.docx 21. Payments for approval..pdf 22. Bank Balance.pdf 22. Budget Comparison.pdf 22. End of year summary.docx